The Midnight Sky is a 2020 science-fiction drama film directed by George Clooney and based on the novel Good Morning, Midnight by Lily Brooks-Dalton. The movie follows Augustine (played by Clooney), a scientist living in an Arctic research facility, who discovers a group of astronauts on a mission to return to Earth after a global catastrophe has occurred. With the help of a young girl named Iris (played by Caoilinn Springall), Augustine races to contact the crew before they make a fatal mistake.

As Augustine and Iris try to establish communication with the spaceship, they also struggle to survive in the harsh Arctic conditions with limited resources. Meanwhile, the astronauts on board the spaceship, led by Commander Adewole (played by David Oyelowo), face their own challenges as they try to navigate through a dangerous debris field and deal with personal issues that threaten to disrupt their mission.

Through flashbacks, the movie also explores Augustine's past, including his relationship with a woman named Jean (played by Sophie Rundle), and his regret over not being there for her during a critical moment in their lives.

The Midnight Sky is a story of survival, perseverance, and the power of human connection in the face of overwhelming odds. It has received mixed reviews, with some critics praising Clooney's directing and performance, as well as the film's stunning visuals and emotional depth, while others have criticized its slow pacing and lack of originality.

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