The Metamorphosis of Birds is a Portuguese film directed by Catarina Vasconcelos, which premiered at the Berlin International Film Festival in 2020. The film is a personal documentary that explores the lives of the filmmaker's grandparents and parents. It is a poetic and poignant story of love, loss, and transformation.

Beatriz was a devout Catholic who was deeply connected to the natural world. She believed that everything in nature had a purpose and that human beings were part of a larger ecosystem. Her husband Henrique was a military man who often spent months at sea. Despite the distance, Beatriz raised their six children with love and care. She instilled in them a reverence for nature and a belief in the power of faith.

Jacinto, the eldest son, was especially close to his mother. He loved birds and dreamed of being able to fly. When Beatriz died suddenly, Jacinto was devastated. He felt lost and alone without her. He became withdrawn and spent most of his time in the family aviary, watching the birds.

As Jacinto grew older, he became more and more obsessed with birds. He began studying them, learning everything he could about their behavior and biology. Eventually, he became an ornithologist and devoted his life to the study of birds.

The film also explores the filmmaker's relationship with her own father, Jacinto. After her mother's death, the two of them grew closer and developed a deeper understanding of each other. The filmmaker uses a mix of reenactments, archival footage, and poetic imagery to tell this story of love and loss.

Overall, The Metamorphosis of Birds is a beautiful and moving film that explores the connections between family, nature, and transformation.

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