The Mephisto Waltz is a 1971 psychological horror-thriller directed by Paul Wendkos and starring Alan Alda, Jacqueline Bisset, and Barbara Parkins. The film follows journalist Myles Clarkson (Alan Alda), who is a talented pianist and music enthusiast but is struggling to achieve success as a musician. One day, Myles is sent on an assignment to interview the renowned pianist Duncan Ely (Curt Jurgens), who is rumored to be retiring from public performances due to a terminal illness.

During the interview, Duncan becomes intrigued by Myles' hands and invites him to his home for a private music session. Myles is amazed by Duncan's world-class piano skills and feels grateful for the opportunity to learn from a master. However, as Myles spends more time with Duncan, he becomes aware of strange rituals and dark secrets surrounding the pianist's life.

Myles also begins to notice changes in his personality and behavior, as if he is being possessed by Duncan's essence. Myles' wife, Paula (Jacqueline Bisset), becomes increasingly concerned about her husband's well-being and starts investigating Duncan's past. She discovers that Duncan was involved in a Satanic cult and suspect that he may have passed his powers to her husband through some sort of demonic pact.

As the plot thickens, Myles' obsession with the piano grows, and he starts performing astonishingly well, much to the amazement of everyone around him. However, it soon becomes clear that Myles is not in control of his own destiny and that some dark force is driving him towards a dangerous path.

The Mephisto Waltz is a classic horror film that explores themes of possession, sacrifice, and temptation. The film is well-acted, with Alda delivering a convincing performance as a man consumed by his passion for music and Parkins lending solid support as the devoted wife. Jurgens also portrays the enigmatic pianist with conviction, adding an air of mystery and eerie ambiance to the film.

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