The Matador is a dark comedy film released in 2005 and directed by Richard Shepard. The film stars Pierce Brosnan as Julian Noble, a hitman who is starting to lose his touch and Greg Kinnear as Danny Wright, a struggling businessman who meets Julian in a bar in Mexico City.

Danny is a married man with children who thinks his life is going nowhere, while Julian is a charismatic and unpredictable assassin who is tired of his lonely and dangerous existence. Despite their differences, they form an unlikely friendship and Julian offers to show Danny around the city. In return, Danny listens to Julian's stories about his violent past and helps him come to terms with his own mortality.

However, their friendship is put to the test when Julian reveals that he has been hired to assassinate a businessman in Denver and asks for Danny's help. Danny initially refuses, but Julian's desperation and his own need for excitement lead him to go along with the plan. They travel to Denver where they meet a strange and eccentric couple, played by Hope Davis and Adam Scott, who turn out to also be a target of Julian's contract.

As the plot unfolds, it becomes clear that Julian's professional and personal life is falling apart and that he has become a liability to his employers. Danny finds himself in a dangerous situation and has to decide whether to help Julian or cut ties with him. The film features unpredictable twists and turns, black humor, and strong performances by Brosnan and Kinnear.

The Matador received positive reviews from critics, particularly for Brosnan's performance, which was a departure from his usual roles as a suave and sophisticated British spy. The film was nominated for a Golden Globe Award for Best Supporting Actor for Brosnan and won several awards at international film festivals.

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