The Marksman is a 2021 action thriller film directed by Robert Lorenz and starring Liam Neeson. The story follows Jim Hanson (Neeson), a former Marine sharpshooter and rancher who lives near the Mexico-Arizona border and reluctantly becomes the protector of a young boy named Miguel (Jacob Perez).

Miguel has fled Mexico with his mother after witnessing a drug cartel murder. However, their journey is cut short when they encounter the cartel's ruthless enforcers, led by Mauricio (Juan Pablo Raba), who are pursuing them to eliminate any witnesses. In the melee, Miguel's mother is killed and he is left on his own in the US.

While on patrol along the border, Jim discovers the injured Miguel and takes him to the hospital, but quickly realizes that the boy's life is still in danger. Jim reluctantly agrees to take Miguel under his wing and protect him from the cartel. They head north in Jim's pickup truck, pursued by Mauricio and his henchmen.

As they travel across the US, Jim and Miguel form a bond and Jim begins to see Miguel as the son he never had. Meanwhile, Mauricio and his team relentlessly close in on them, leading to a climactic showdown near the Canadian border.

The Marksman portrays the complexities of the US-Mexico border and the difficulty of doing the right thing in a world where morality is often blurred. Neeson gives a poignant performance as the gruff but compassionate American hero who puts himself in harm's way to save a young life.

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