The Man Who Cried is a 2000 romantic drama film directed by Sally Potter. The story centers around a young Russian Jewish girl named Fegele (played by Christina Ricci) who grows up in a small Russian town during the 1920s. After the anti-Semitic violence drives her family to flee to England, Fegele is separated from her father and left alone in London.

Years later, now known as Suzie, she has mastered the English language and is a talented singer who lands a job in Paris with a opera company. There she meets and falls in love with a dashing Romani horseman named Cesar (played by Johnny Depp) who performs with the circus that is in town.

The film also explores the complex relationships between Suzie, her childhood friend Vlad (played by John Turturro), and the opera company's diva, Lilliane (played by Cate Blanchett), who is both jealous of Suzie and fascinated by her voice.

As Suzie navigates the challenges of her new life in Paris and continues to search for her long-lost father, the film builds towards a climactic performance at the Paris Opera House that brings all the characters' stories together.

The Man Who Cried received mixed reviews from critics, with some praising the film's beautiful cinematography, music, and strong performances, while others criticized it for being overly melodramatic and lacking in substance. Despite this, it remains a popular choice among fans of romantic dramas and period pieces.

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