The Mafia Kills Only in Summer is a Italian comedy-drama film directed by Pif and released in 2013. The film follows the story of Arturo, a young boy who grows up in Palermo, Sicily during the 1970s and 1980s, and falls in love with his classmate Flora.

As Arturo grows older, he becomes a journalist and starts reporting on the Mafia's activities in Sicily. He witnesses the rise of the Mafia in the region, the numerous murders and attacks carried out by them, and the heroic efforts of the law enforcement agencies to fight them.

Throughout the film, Arturo maintains his innocence and idealism and refuses to give in to the fear and intimidation tactics of the Mafia. He continues to fight for justice and to protect the people he loves, despite the dangers he faces.

The film also explores the political and social context of Sicily during this time, highlighting the corruption and collusion between the Mafia and the state, and the difficulty that law enforcement officials face in trying to bring them to justice.

The Mafia Kills Only in Summer is a poignant and entertaining film that uses humor and satire to shed light on the serious and complex issue of organized crime in Sicily.

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