The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It is a documentary that focuses on the century-long UFO secrecy that has been imposed by governments all over the world. Dr. Steven Greer, a UFO researcher, leads the film as he presents evidence and expert testimony that demonstrates how the coverup of UFO sightings, abductions, and encounters has been a major hindrance to humanity's progress.

The film traces the history of UFO sightings back to the early 20th century and how governments have worked to deny their existence and hide any evidence of their encounters. The documentary reveals the negative impact this coverup has had on our spiritual, cultural and technological development, and how we have missed out on possible game-changing technologies that could have revolutionized our way of life.

Through interviews with researchers, ufologists, and former government officials, the documentary exposes how the coverup was imposed, why it was done, and the lengths that have been taken to keep this secret from the public, including misinformation campaigns, cover stories, and the silencing of witnesses.

The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It argues that it's time to end the secrecy and reclaim control of our destiny as a collective humanity. The documentary presents ways in which we as a society can confront this issue, including grassroots initiatives for disclosure and the use of consciousness and spirituality to prepare ourselves for the revelation of extraterrestrial life.

Overall, The Lost Century: And How to Reclaim It is a compelling documentary that highlights the importance of UFO disclosure and recognizes the role it can play in shaping the future of our planet.

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