The Lookout is a 2007 crime thriller directed by Scott Frank. It stars Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Jeff Daniels, Matthew Goode, and Isla Fisher. The movie centers around Chris Pratt (played by Gordon-Levitt), a former high school star athlete who suffered a traumatic brain injury in a car accident that killed two of his friends.

As a result of the accident, Chris struggles with short-term memory loss and has trouble completing even simple tasks. He lives with his blind roommate, Lewis (played by Daniels), and spends his days working as a night janitor at a bank. Chris is desperate to get his life back on track and tries to win back his old girlfriend and rekindle his lost passions.

However, Chris soon finds himself in the center of a planned heist. He is befriended by Gary Spargo (played by Goode), a charming criminal who convinces Chris to help them rob the bank he works at. In exchange, Gary promises to help Chris get back on his feet.

As Chris becomes more involved in the plan, he becomes increasingly conflicted as to what he should do. He knows the heist is wrong, but he sees it as a chance to make up for his past mistakes and regain his lost sense of purpose.

The Lookout is a slow-burn thriller that explores themes of redemption and loss. Joseph Gordon-Levitt delivers a powerful performance as a broken man struggling to make sense of his life, and Jeff Daniels offers strong support as his wise and caring roommate. The movie also features a standout performance from Matthew Goode as a charming and dangerous criminal.

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