The Long Good Friday is a British neo-noir crime film directed by John Mackenzie and starring Bob Hoskins as Harold Shand. The film follows Shand as he attempts to turn a run-down area of London's docklands into a thriving business district with the help of American investors. Shand's plans are derailed by a series of bombings that target his empire during the same weekend that the Americans are in town.

The bombing incidents cause a domino effect, slowly pulling apart Shand's carefully laid plans and increasing his level of paranoia. Shand becomes convinced that there is a traitor in his organization, and he sets out to identify and eliminate them. As the weekend progresses, more and more of Shand's lieutenants end up dead, and his closest allies begin to turn against him.

At the heart of the film is Hoskins' performance as Shand, a Cockney crime lord who spends much of the movie trying to balance his desire for power and respect with his need to keep his organization intact. The Long Good Friday is a gritty and intense crime drama that explores the dark corners of the criminal underworld and the lengths that some people will go to in order to achieve their dreams.

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