The Lonely Lady is a 1983 drama film based on the novel of the same name by Harold Robbins. The film follows the journey of Jerilee Randall (played by Pia Zadora), a young aspiring screenwriter who dreams of making it big in Hollywood. Despite her talent and determination, Jerilee is constantly exploited by the men in the industry who promise to further her career in return for sexual favors.

Jerilee's husband, Walter (played by Lloyd Bochner), is also unsupportive and encourages her to compromise her morals in order to succeed. As Jerilee becomes more desperate and isolated, she begins to suffer from mental breakdowns and turns to alcohol and prescription drugs.

The film depicts the harsh realities of the entertainment industry, including the sexism and exploitation that women face. Jerilee's struggle to maintain her integrity while attempting to make her mark in Hollywood ultimately leads to a tragic and disturbing conclusion. Despite being critically panned at the time of its release, The Lonely Lady has since gained a cult following.

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