The Little Prince(ss) is a heartwarming drama film that explores the theme of gender identity and bullying. The story revolves around Gabriel, a young Chinese boy who has a passion for ballet. Despite facing constant bullying and disapproval from his classmates and family, Gabriel continues to pursue his dream of becoming a successful ballet dancer.

One day, Gabriel befriends Rob, another Chinese boy from his school. The two become good friends, but Rob's father, Mr. Li, becomes suspicious of Gabriel's feminine behavior. Mr. Li tries to intervene and force Gabriel to conform to traditional gender roles, but Gabriel's parents stand up for their son and defend his right to pursue his passion.

As Gabriel's talent in ballet grows, he becomes the target of even more bullying and criticism, but he perseveres with the help of his family and friends. The film ultimately delivers a powerful message about the importance of acceptance, tolerance, and following one's dreams.

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