The Little Drummer Boy is an animated Christmas special that was first aired on television in 1968. The story is set in Bethlehem during the time of the birth of Jesus Christ. The main character, Aaron, is a young boy who has lost his parents and his home in a tragic event. As a result, he becomes a lonely and bitter orphan who only finds comfort in playing his drum.

One day, Aaron is kidnapped by a group of robbers who force him to join them on their travels. During his captivity, he befriends a camel named Baba, who becomes his loyal companion. After a daring escape, Aaron and Baba embark on a journey to find their way back home.

As they travel through the desert, Aaron and Baba encounter the Three Wise Men and their caravan, who have come to see the newborn King. Intrigued by their stories, Aaron decides to follow them to Bethlehem. Along the way, he discovers the true meaning of Christmas and the power of giving.

When they finally arrive in Bethlehem, Aaron and Baba come to the stable where Mary and Joseph have just welcomed their son, Jesus. Aaron is moved by the scene and decides to offer his gift of music to the infant King. He plays his drum with all his heart, and in that instant, the baby Jesus responds with a smile.

The Little Drummer Boy is a heartwarming story about the transformative power of love and the importance of sharing the gifts we possess. It is a touching reminder of the true meaning of Christmas and the hope it brings to all who believe.

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