The Little Death is a 2014 Australian comedy film written and directed by Josh Lawson. The film explores the lives of five couples living in Sydney, Australia, each with their own peculiar sexual fantasies and desires. While the characters are all different, they are connected through their struggles to communicate and satisfy their partners.

The first couple, Richard and Rowena, have been together for years but are struggling to keep the spark alive in their relationship. Rowena is plagued by a dangerous and secret sexual fantasy, which she believes will ruin their relationship if she shares it with her husband. Richard, meanwhile, is desperate to please his wife but continually falls short of her expectations.

Maeve and Paul are next, a couple who discover a new level of intimacy after Paul begins an affair with his own wife. Maeve is unaware of Paul's infidelity, but it changes their relationship for the better, reigniting their passion and excitement.

Monica and Sam are the third couple, who experiment with role-playing and BDSM, leading to unexpected consequences that threaten their relationship. Told through a series of flashbacks, we see the events that led to their sexual experimentation and how they cope with the fallout.

The fourth couple is Phil and his wife, who can only find pleasure in his pain. Phil is reluctant to indulge his wife's fetish, but he is ultimately unable to resist her increasingly extreme demands.

Finally, Steve is a call centre operator who finds himself caught in the middle of a dirty and chaotic phone call. He becomes obsessed with the woman on the other end of the line, leading to unexpected consequences.

Throughout the film, these stories intertwine with the arrival of a new neighbour, who brings a sense of charm and humour to the lives of those around him. The Little Death is a hilarious and heartwarming film that explores the complexities of modern relationships and the challenges of intimacy.

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