The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride follows the story of Simba and Nala's daughter, Kiara, as she discovers the world beyond Pride Rock. Despite being warned not to leave the safety of the Pride Lands, Kiara finds herself drawn to the Outlands, where she meets Kovu, a young lion who was raised by Scar's followers, including Zira.

Kovu's mother, Zira, is bitter and vengeful, still holding a grudge against Simba for banishing her and the rest of Scar's followers from the Pride Lands. She sees an opportunity to get revenge when Kovu and Kiara form a friendship, planning to use Kovu to get close to and ultimately kill Simba.

However, Kovu begins to fall in love with Kiara and realizes that his family's plans are wrong. He turns against them, telling Kiara the truth and joining forces with Simba to defeat Zira and her followers.

The Lion King 2: Simba's Pride also explores themes of love, betrayal, and the importance of family, as Simba and Kiara learn to trust each other and work together to protect their kingdom. The film features new songs by Elton John and Tim Rice, and brings back many of the beloved characters from the original film, such as Rafiki, Timon, and Pumbaa.

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