The Lincoln Lawyer is a legal thriller film released in 2011, directed by Brad Furman and starring Matthew McConaughey in the lead role. The story is adapted from the novel of the same name by Michael Connelly.

The film follows the life of Los Angeles criminal defense attorney Mickey Haller, who conducts his business from the back seat of his Lincoln town car. Haller is known for his unorthodox methods and for representing some of the most notorious clients in the city. However, his life takes a turn when he is approached by a wealthy client, Louis Roulet, who has been accused of assault and attempted murder.

As Haller starts to investigate Roulet's case, he discovers that his client may not be as innocent as he claims to be. In fact, Roulet may have lied to Haller about his involvement in the crime and may have even committed other crimes in the past. As the case unravels, Haller is forced to confront the truth about his client and his own role in defending him.

The Lincoln Lawyer has received critical acclaim for its direction, screenplay, and performances, particularly from McConaughey, who won several awards for his portrayal of Mickey Haller. The film also features an ensemble cast including Ryan Phillippe, William H. Macy, Marisa Tomei, and Bryan Cranston. It was a commercial success, grossing over $87 million worldwide.

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