The Legend of the Underground is a documentary film directed by Nneka Onuorah and Giselle Bailey. The film explores the lives of LGBTQ+ people in Nigeria, as they face discrimination, violence, and imprisonment for their sexual orientation. The film follows several individuals, including activist James Brown, drag queen Denrele, and poet Pamela Adie, as they navigate the challenges of living openly as queer in a society that rejects them.

Through interviews with activists, politicians, and religious leaders, the film delves into the complex cultural and political forces that contribute to the homophobia and transphobia rampant in Nigerian society. The film also covers the #EndSARS protests that swept Nigeria in 2020 and explores how the LGBTQ+ community is participating in the broader struggle for social justice.

A visually stunning and socially urgent film, The Legend of the Underground is a powerful testament to the resilience and courage of a generation of young people who refuse to be silenced.

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