The Legend of Jack and Jill opens with a group of friends, consisting of four teenagers and two adults, meeting at a remote cabin in the woods. They are all there to grieve the loss of their friend Emma, who died in a car accident a year earlier. As they settle in for the night, strange things begin to happen. They hear eerie whispers outside, their phones stop working, and the power goes out.

They soon realize that they are not alone in the woods. A pair of eerie figures, dressed in old-fashioned clothing and carrying buckets of water, begin to stalk them. The group initially dismisses them as harmless, thinking they are cosplay enthusiasts or lost hikers. However, they soon discover that these figures are not human at all.

Jack and Jill, as the figures call themselves, are vengeful spirits who were once children themselves. The duo were rumored to have perished in a tragic fall while fetching water from a well. However, the truth is that they were murdered by a townsfolk who resented their parents for their success.

Now, Jack and Jill are back from the dead, seeking revenge on the descendants of their killers. The group realizes that they are the targets and struggle to survive the night as the spirits relentlessly pursue them. They soon learn that Jack and Jill's buckets of water are not to put out fires, but instead to drown their victims.

As the night wears on, the group races against time to uncover the truth about Jack and Jill's past and figure out how to defeat them before it's too late. Will they uncover the killers' identities, or will they fall victim to the spirits' wrath? The Legend of Jack and Jill is a chilling horror retelling of a childhood classic that will keep the audience on the edge of their seats.

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