The movie follows the story of Rose (played by Tayla Lynn), a struggling single mother who is facing the eviction of her and her daughter, Katy (played by Gabe White). While walking in the mall, Katy meets a Salvation Army Santa Claus (played by Vernon Wells) who gives her a candy cane and a message of hope. With her daughter's encouragement, Rose goes back to the mall to thank the Santa Claus and ends up forming a deep and unexpected connection with him. As Christmas approaches, Rose and Katy's faith is tested as they face eviction and Rose's past mistakes come back to haunt her. But with the help of the Salvation Army Santa Claus and the community around them, they rediscover the true meaning of Christmas and receive a message of hope, forgiveness, and redemption. The movie is heartwarming and features strong performances from its cast. It is a must-see for anyone who loves Christmas movies with a message of hope and faith.

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