The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen is a 2003 American superhero film based on the comic book series of the same name created by Alan Moore and Kevin O'Neill. The film takes place in an alternate version of late 19th century Europe, where famous literary characters such as Allan Quatermain, Mina Harker, Captain Nemo, Dr. Jekyll/Mr. Hyde, and Dorian Gray unite to form a team of extraordinary individuals with exceptional abilities to stop a villainous man known as "The Phantom" who threatens to instigate a world war.

The group is assembled by British Secret Service Agent M, who recruits each member because of their unique skills and abilities, and convinces them to join the league in order to save the world from the devious machinations of The Phantom. The team travels across the globe, from London to Venice, to Africa and beyond, in order to stop The Phantom and his minions from carrying out his malevolent plans.

Along the way, the league faces many challenges, including battling automatons, being hunted by government agencies, and fighting against each other as their own personal demons come to light. In the end, the League of Extraordinary Gentlemen manages to save the world from The Phantom's evil plans, but not without a great cost to their team and their individual lives.

Despite receiving mixed reviews, The League of Extraordinary Gentlemen was a box office success, earning over $179 million worldwide. It has since gained a cult following and is often seen as an underrated gem within the superhero genre.

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