The Late Shift is a TV movie based on the book of the same name by Bill Carter. The movie tells the story of the intense competition between David Letterman and Jay Leno to take over from Johnny Carson as the host of "The Tonight Show" on NBC. With Carson announcing his retirement in 1991, NBC executives began the search for a new host for their flagship program. The network initially offered the job to Letterman, who hosted his own late-night talk show on NBC, but they also courted Leno, who was Carson's regular guest host. When Letterman found out that Leno was also being considered, he became angry and felt betrayed by NBC. The movie follows the cutthroat tactics of both Letterman and Leno as they try to win over NBC executives and the public. Their managers also get involved in the battle to secure the coveted hosting gig. Ultimately, NBC chooses Leno over Letterman, who then moves to CBS to launch "The Late Show with David Letterman." The Late Shift is a fascinating behind-the-scenes look at the ruthless world of network TV and the egos and ambitions of its biggest stars.

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