The Last Video Store takes place in the fictional town of Gold Beach, a quaint beachside community on the Gold Coast. The titular video store has been struggling to stay afloat amidst the rise of online streaming services, and its owner Gary is desperate to keep the business alive.

One day, the store is robbed by a group of masked thieves who steal thousands of dollars in cash and merchandise. Frustrated by the lack of police assistance in the case, Gary decides to take matters into his own hands and installs security cameras throughout the store.

Meanwhile, Andrew and Stacy, two of the store's young employees, begin to develop a romantic connection. They bond over their shared love of movies and spend their downtime watching classics together in the store's cozy screening room. Gary, who has been keeping an eye on them via the security footage, is touched by their budding romance and begins to see the store as a place where love can flourish.

However, their happiness is threatened when Stacy's ex-boyfriend Damian returns to town. Damian is a dangerous criminal with a terrifying secret, and he is determined to win Stacy back by any means necessary. He starts to harass and threaten Andrew, who is too scared to stand up to him. Stacy tries to intervene, but she is also afraid of Damian and is torn between her feelings for him and her growing affection for Andrew.

As tensions escalate between the young lovers and Damian, Gary realizes that he must do something to protect them. He hatches a plan to trap Damian using the security cameras, and the resulting confrontation is a tense and violent showdown set against the neon-lit aisles of the video store.

In the end, the Last Video Store is able to survive another day, thanks to the bravery and perseverance of its staff and the power of love and nostalgia. The film ends with Gary, Andrew, and Stacy cuddled up on the couch watching a classic movie, happy to have found a place where they belong.

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