The Last House on the Street is a horror-thriller film that was released in 2020. The story revolves around two college girls, Emily and Kymberley, who move into a suburban neighborhood and quickly become targets of their sociopathic neighbors, Derek and Chad. The two men become obsessed with the girls and begin to stalk them, setting off a chain of terrifying events.

As the girls try to navigate their new surroundings, they begin to uncover the dark secrets that lurk within the seemingly peaceful neighborhood. They soon realize that no one can be trusted, not even the police, and that they must rely on their own wits and strength to survive.

The Last House on the Street features intense suspenseful scenes, violence, and disturbing imagery. The film explores themes of obsession, voyeurism, and the dangers of trusting strangers. It stars Mena Suvari as Emily, William Sadler as Chad, and Nick Ballard as Derek.

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