The Last Dragon is a 1985 martial arts comedy film directed by Michael Schultz. The story follows a young martial artist named Leroy Green (played by Taimak) who dreams of becoming a martial arts master. He is given the task of finding a "master" who can teach him the final level of martial arts mastery known as the glow.

As he searches for the master, Leroy finds himself facing off against an evil martial arts expert named Sho'nuff (played by Julius J. Carry III) who is determined to prove himself as the greatest martial artist in the world. Leroy also falls in love with a beautiful singer named Laura Charles (played by Vanity) who is being pursued by an obsessed music promoter named Eddie Arkadian (played by Chris Murney).

The film features a mix of action, comedy, and music, with several memorable scenes including a dance battle between Leroy and a group of punks, and a final showdown between Leroy and Sho'nuff that culminates in Leroy using the glow to defeat his opponent.

The Last Dragon was a cult classic in the 80s and has since become a beloved film for its unique blend of martial arts, comedy, and music.

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