The Last Days of Frankie the Fly is a dark comedy crime film directed by Peter Markle and starring Dennis Hopper, Kiefer Sutherland, and Daryl Hannah. The movie revolves around Frankie (Hopper), a low-level mob flunky who dreams of becoming a big-time gangster. His boss, Sal (Michael Madsen), is a sadistic and manipulative thug who enjoys using Frankie as his punching bag.

Frankie's life takes a dramatic turn when he meets Margaret (Hannah), a drug-addicted porn actress whom he takes under his wing. Frankie is fascinated by Margaret's vulnerability and sees her as a way to climb up the criminal ladder. He plans to use her to get closer to Sal and eventually take him down.

As Frankie gets more deeply involved with Margaret, he starts to develop feelings for her. He becomes her protector and tries to help her break free from the porn industry and overcome her addiction. But his efforts are thwarted by Sal, who threatens to harm Margaret if Frankie doesn't comply with his orders.

The Last Days of Frankie the Fly is a gritty and violent movie that explores the seedy underbelly of the criminal world. It is a character-driven story that delves into the complex relationship between Frankie and Margaret, as well as Frankie's internal conflict between his desire for power and his newfound compassion. The film was released in 1996 and received mixed reviews from critics.

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