The Last Boy Scout is a 1991 action-comedy film directed by Tony Scott and starring Bruce Willis and Damon Wayans. The film centers around Joe Hallenback, a former Secret Service agent turned private investigator, who is hired to protect the stripper girlfriend of a former football player named Cory. When Cory's girlfriend is killed, Hallenback teams up with Cory to investigate the murder. They soon uncover a web of corruption involving a crooked politician named Senator Baynard and the owner of the Los Angeles Stallions football team, Sheldon Marcone.

The investigation leads them to a series of violent encounters and action-packed set pieces. As they get closer to the truth, they discover that Marcone and Baynard are involved in a plot to legalize sports gambling. Marcone has been fixing games to control the outcome and make a fortune in illegal gambling. The pair also realizes that a crooked detective named Nick, who was assigned to the case and had been working against them the whole time, was in on the scheme with the politician and the football team owner.

In the climactic showdown, Hallenback and Cory confront Marcone and his henchmen at the football stadium during a game. They fight off the bad guys and ultimately bring them to justice. The Last Boy Scout is a fast-paced action film that blends elements of buddy comedy with thrilling and exciting moments. It was a box office success and has since become a cult favorite among fans of the genre.

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