The Knight Before Christmas follows Sir Cole (played by Josh Whitehouse), a knight from medieval England who is magically transported to present day Ohio on a mission to fulfill a quest. He arrives in the middle of a winter storm and encounters Brooke (played by Vanessa Hudgens), a high school science teacher who takes him in and helps him navigate the unfamiliar modern world.

As Sir Cole tries to complete his quest and return home, he finds himself falling for Brooke and struggling with the idea of leaving her behind. Brooke, on the other hand, is hesitant to let herself fall for someone who may not stay in her life for long.

As they spend more time together, Sir Cole and Brooke learn from each other and develop a deep connection. Meanwhile, Sir Cole's medieval background causes some humorous mishaps in the present day, and they eventually find themselves racing against time to complete the quest before Sir Cole must return to his own time.

The Knight Before Christmas is a heartwarming romantic comedy that blends elements of fantasy and time travel with modern day romance. It is directed by Monika Mitchell and written by Cara J. Russell.

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