The Kingdom is an action thriller movie released in 2007, directed by Peter Berg. The story revolves around a bombing incident that takes place at an American oil company's compound in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, which kills more than a hundred people, including several FBI agents.

After the incident, a team of FBI agents led by Ron Fleury (Jamie Foxx) is sent to investigate the attack with the help of a Saudi Arabian security officer, Colonel Faris Al-Ghazi (Ashraf Barhom). The group faces a significant obstacle as Saudi Arabia is reluctant to allow the FBI to conduct an investigation in their territory.

The team's presence angers the locals who see them as an intrusion on their sovereignty. Nonetheless, Fleury, along with his team, intensively searches for leads to track down the mastermind behind the deadliest terrorist attack in Saudi history. They also encounter several challenges such as language and cultural barriers, with the inconsistency of Saudi and American investigation procedures.

The group's determination to find the culprits becomes more urgent as they learn another attack is already in progress. After uncovering clues, the team quickly launches an all-out assault on a terrorist hideout. The final action-packed sequence finds the agents involved in a deadly gunfight, throughout which they discover a more profound understanding of each other's cultures.

In the end, the team discovers the mastermind of the attack and brings him to justice, culminating with Fleury's emotional speech that shows how the events transformed him and his team. The Kingdom highlights the complexities of international relations, cultural differences, and terrorism that continue to plague the world today.

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