The King and the Mockingbird is a 1980 animated film directed by Paul Grimault. It is based on a fairy tale by Hans Christian Andersen and is known as one of the greatest animated films ever produced.

The film takes place in the kingdom of Takicardie, which is ruled by the tyrannical King Charles. The king is cruel to both his subjects and the animals that inhabit his kingdom, often shooting birds for sport. His archenemy is a witty mockingbird who constantly outsmarts him.

One night, a portrait of the king comes to life and takes his place on the throne. The portrait king is kind and gentle, and quickly falls in love with a beautiful shepherdess in another painting. However, she is already in love with a humble chimneysweep, and the two of them run away together.

The portrait king, heartbroken, sends his police to capture the young couple and force the shepherdess to marry him. However, the mockingbird comes to their rescue, using his wit and bravery to outsmart the king once again.

The film is known for its stunning animation and innovative storytelling, as well as its commentary on the dangers of absolute power and the importance of standing up for what is right. It has been praised by critics and audiences alike and has become a classic of French animation.

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