The Kid Who Would Be King is a 2019 British-American fantasy adventure film directed and written by Joe Cornish. The film follows the story of a young boy named Alex, who discovers a magical sword known as Excalibur. Alex finds himself on an incredible journey, as he and his friends, Bedders, Lance, and Kaye, team up with the legendary wizard Merlin to save the world from the evil enchantress Morgana and her army of supernatural warriors.

As the plot thickens, it is revealed that Morgana has been imprisoned underground for centuries and has returned to take revenge on the world that rejected her. The only hope of defeating Morgana and her minions lies in the hands of these four kids, who must secure the sword and unite the land against the wicked enchantress.

As they embark on their journey, they face numerous obstacles, including the challenges of becoming knights, overcoming their differences, and learning to work together as a team. With the help of Merlin, they learn the true meaning of bravery, loyalty, and the power of friendship.

The Kid Who Would Be King is a heartwarming tale of adventure, friendship, and courage that is perfect for kids and adults alike. With its engaging characters, stunning visuals, and thrilling action sequences, this movie is a must-see for those who love a good fantasy adventure.

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