The Jerk Theory is a romantic comedy film directed by Scott S. Anderson, and released in 2009. The film stars Josh Henderson as Adam, a struggling musician who turns into a "jerk" to get women's attention after a bad breakup. He becomes popular among women, but eventually meets Molly (Jenna Dewan), a smart and independent woman who is immune to his charms.

Despite Adam's best efforts to be a jerk around Molly, she doesn't fall for his act. Instead, they become friends and start spending time together. Molly sees through Adam's tough exterior and recognizes the decent person he truly is inside. As they spend more time together, Adam starts falling for Molly.

Simultaneously, Adam's music career starts taking off, and he is offered a record deal. However, the record label executives insist that he maintain his image as the jerk to sell more records. Adam is torn between his love for Molly, who wants him to be true to himself, and his desire for fame and success.

In the end, Adam realizes that he has been living a lie, and decides to be true to himself and his feelings for Molly. He chooses her over fame and fortune and confesses his true feelings for her. In a happy ending, they end up together, and Adam writes a new song inspired by Molly's love and acceptance.

The film's themes center around the idea that being true to oneself is more important than conforming to societal expectations or trying to be someone else to impress others. It also explores the idea that true love involves accepting someone for who they are, flaws and all.

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