The Jacket is a psychological thriller released in 2005, directed by John Maybury. The film follows the story of Jack Starks, a Gulf War veteran who was wrongly accused of murdering a police officer and was sentenced to death. While waiting for his execution, he is subjected to a brutal experiment that sends him into the future.

In the future, Jack finds himself in 2007 and meets Jackie, a young waitress who he befriends. He soon realizes that he can not only see the future, but he can also influence it. He sees his own death, which is set to happen in four days, and tries to solve the mystery of how he will die. Meanwhile, he tries to save Jackie, who is struggling with a drug addiction and ultimately becomes a target of a deranged killer.

As Jack jumps between the past and the future, he slowly pieces together the events that led to his arrest and the murder of the police officer. He also uncovers a conspiracy within the hospital that is behind the experimental treatment he was subjected to.

The Jacket is a mind-bending film that explores themes of time travel, mental illness, and human redemption. Its stellar cast includes Adrien Brody as Jack Starks, Keira Knightley as Jackie, and Kris Kristofferson as Dr. Becker. The film received mixed reviews from critics, but has since gained a cult following for its unique storyline and atmospheric visuals.

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