The Isle is a psychological horror-thriller movie set in 1840, directed by Matthew Butler-Hart. The story follows three survivors of a shipwreck, Douglas Innis, William Balfour, and Thomas Muir, who wash up on the shore of an isolated island in Scotland. The island is inhabited by three women, who live in an isolated house on the edge of a loch.

Initially, the sailors are grateful for the women's hospitality, but they soon discover that the island is haunted by strange, supernatural forces. The women are secretive and untrustworthy, and the sailors' sense of paranoia and disorientation grows as they try to make sense of the strange and inexplicable events that unfold around them.

As the sailors delve deeper into the island's dark history, they uncover a chilling series of events that have taken place on the island over the centuries, including witchcraft, murder, and suicide. The women are the last survivors of a fiercely religious community that existed on the island in the late 18th century, and the sailors soon realize that they are trapped on the island with literal ghosts from the past.

As the sailors' mental and emotional states begin to unravel, they become more and more desperate to escape the island and the sinister forces that are closing in on them. But their only hope for survival may lie in the women themselves, whose motives are just as mysterious and inscrutable as the island itself.

Overall, The Isle is a gripping and atmospheric horror movie that combines psychological terror with supernatural elements to create a haunting and unforgettable viewing experience.

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