The movie follows the story of Scott and Annie Howard, a successful young couple who want to leave behind the hustle and bustle of the city and start a new life in the countryside. They find the perfect house in Napa Valley, a stunning property surrounded by beautiful vineyards and lush forests.

The house is owned by Charlie Peck, an older man who has lived there his entire life. Although he agrees to sell the house to the Howards, he seems reluctant to let it go completely. He continues to show up at the house unannounced, offering unsolicited advice and even doing some work around the property.

At first, the Howards appreciate Charlie's kindness and help. But over time, they begin to realize that something is not quite right about him. He becomes increasingly possessive of the house, and his behavior starts to become more and more erratic.

As the tension between the two men escalates, Annie becomes increasingly uneasy and afraid. She enlists the help of a local detective to investigate Charlie's past, and they discover shocking secrets about his life and his intentions towards the Howards.

As the plot unfolds, the Howards find themselves in a fight for their lives against an obsessive and dangerous man who will stop at nothing to hold onto the property he loves so much. The Intruder is a chilling psychological thriller that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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