The Institute is a psychological horror film directed by James Franco and Pamela Romanowsky. It stars Allie Gallerani as Marie, a young woman who is desperate to have a child and begins treatment at a renowned doctor's secluded facility. However, once she and her husband Danny (James Franco) arrive at the Lands Institute, they begin to notice strange things happening.

As they undergo the doctor's unique "homeopathic remedies," both Danny and Marie begin to experience hallucinations and other psychological side effects that warp their perceptions of reality. As the treatment continues, they begin to suspect that there is something sinister going on at the institute and that the doctor may not have their best interests at heart.

As they delve deeper into the mysteries of the Lands Institute, they begin to uncover a dark history of experimentation and abuse, and they realize that they may be in grave danger. The couple must fight to maintain their sanity and escape the institute before it's too late.

The Institute is a gripping, suspenseful film that explores themes of psychological manipulation and the limits of scientific experimentation. It's a must-watch for fans of horror and psychological thrillers.

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