The Hunt is a 2020 horror-thriller film directed by Craig Zobel and written by Nick Cuse and Damon Lindelof. The story centers around twelve strangers who find themselves inexplicably kidnapped and brought to a remote location where they are hunted down for sport by a group of privileged elites.

The film stars Betty Gilpin as Crystal, a fierce and resourceful woman who finds herself among the hunted. It also features a cast of other notable actors including Hilary Swank, Emma Roberts, Ike Barinholtz, and Ethan Suplee.

As the hunted survivors fight to stay alive, they begin to uncover the dark and twisted motivations that drive their captors. Along the way, the film explores themes of class and political polarization, as well as the nature of violence and its consequences.

The Hunt sparked controversy upon its initial release, with some critics accusing the film of promoting violence against conservatives. However, others have praised the movie's satirical take on contemporary politics and its witty and fast-paced script.

Regardless of its political stance, The Hunt remains a thrilling and entertaining horror film that is sure to keep audiences on the edge of their seats.

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