The Hunchback of Soho follows the story of a wealthy woman named Gerda Christow, who is kidnapped by a group of criminals in order to steal her identity and collect her inheritance. The criminals - a group of four men - initially try to make Gerda sign over her assets, but she refuses, so they decide to take matters into their own hands.

They replace Gerda with a lookalike and force her to learn everything about Gerda's life, including her likes and dislikes, hobbies, and even her family members. The plan works until Gerda's brother, a detective named Pepe, realizes that something is amiss when he sees the "fake" Gerda at a family gathering.

Pepe becomes suspicious and starts investigating, eventually uncovering the truth about the kidnapping and the identity theft. In a dramatic showdown, the criminals are brought to justice, and the real Gerda is rescued.

Throughout the movie, there are many twists and turns, including a romantic subplot between Pepe and one of the kidnappers, which complicates matters even further. Overall, The Hunchback of Soho is a thrilling crime drama that keeps audiences on the edge of their seats until the very end.

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