The House of Magic is a 2013 animated film directed by Jeremy Degruson and Ben Stassen. Thunder is the central character in the film, a young abandoned cat who wanders into an old mansion during a storm. The mansion is owned by Lawrence, a retired magician who lives there with his extensive collection of magical and mechanical artifacts.

The mansion is also home to several automated gadgets and devices, including a troupe of magical toys and gizmos that come alive and help maintain the household. However, not all the occupants of the house welcome Thunder with open arms. Jack Rabbit and Maggie Mouse, two of the more cantankerous residents, are particularly unhappy about having a newcomer in their midst.

Thunder is determined to prove himself and make a home in the sprawling mansion, but his efforts are threatened when Lawrence is hospitalized, and his scheming nephew plans to sell the estate for quick cash. Thunder cannot let this happen and, with the help of his newfound friends, he enlists the assistance of some wacky magician's assistants to prevent the sale and protect the house from harm.

The House of Magic is a delightful family-friendly movie that blends comedy, adventure, and a dash of magic to create a heartwarming and entertaining story. With impressive animation, engaging characters, and a charming storyline, the House of Magic is sure to delight audiences of all ages.

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