The Hollywood Knights is a 1980s comedy film directed by Floyd Mutrux. The film is set in 1965 in Beverly Hills, California, on Halloween night. The story revolves around a group of young men who are part of a car club called the Hollywood Knights. They engage in various pranks and shenanigans throughout the night, including drag racing, egging houses, and toilet-papering trees.

The leader of the group is Newbomb Turk, a prankster who constantly seeks to one-up his friends and rivals. He is joined by a diverse cast of characters, including the shy and awkward Bobby, the smooth-talking Bimbo, and the rebellious Duke. The gang's antics escalate throughout the night, leading to confrontations with the police and rival car clubs.

Meanwhile, various subplots unfold, including a bet between Newbomb and a rival gang leader over who can seduce a rich debutante, a pair of high school sweethearts struggling to reconcile their feelings for each other, and a Vietnam War veteran seeking revenge against the Hollywood Knights for humiliating him.

The Hollywood Knights is a nostalgic tribute to the culture and fashion of the 1960s, featuring classic cars, rock and roll music, and colorful costumes. It also explores themes of teenage rebellion, class divisions, and the changing social landscape of America. The film has become a cult classic and is beloved by fans of 80s comedies and retro culture.

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