The Holiday is a romantic comedy film released in 2006, directed by Nancy Meyers. It stars Cameron Diaz as Amanda Woods, an American movie trailer maker who lives in Los Angeles, and Kate Winslet as Iris Simpkins, a journalist who lives in a small English village called Surrey. Both women were dealing with bad breakups with their respective boyfriends.

Amanda and Iris found each other on a home exchange website and decided to swap homes for two weeks during the Christmas holidays. Amanda went to Surrey, while Iris went to LA. Before leaving, they laid out some house rules, stating that they would not swap partners or have any visitors.

Amanda initially found it hard to adapt to the small English village and its quaint lifestyle. She met Iris's eccentric brother, Graham (Jude Law), and they started a casual relationship that soon developed into something deeper.

Meanwhile, Iris found herself in Amanda's luxurious LA mansion and met her handsome, charming neighbor, Miles (Jack Black), who worked as a film composer. They bonded over their love of old Hollywood movies and music, and Iris found herself falling for him.

As their time abroad came to an end, Amanda and Iris had to face the reality of returning home and leaving their new lovers behind. However, Iris was surprised when she discovered that Miles had secretly followed her back to England to declare his love for her.

Similarly, Graham surprised Amanda by showing up in LA to tell her that he loved her and wanted to continue their relationship. The film ends with both couples reunited and looking forward to spending more time together.

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