The Hills Run Red is a 2009 horror movie directed by Dave Parker and written by David J. Schow. The story follows a young film fanatic named Tyler, who is obsessed with finding a lost slasher movie called The Hills Run Red. The film was made in the 1980s by a reclusive filmmaker named Concannon, and is rumored to have been so disturbing that it was only screened once before disappearing without a trace.

Tyler sets out to track down the film, enlisting his girlfriend Serena, a fellow horror fan named Lalo, and a friend who runs a blog dedicated to obscure films. They manage to find Concannon’s daughter, Alexa, but she is reluctant to discuss her father’s work. Undeterred, Tyler and his friends break into Alexa’s house and steal a print of The Hills Run Red.

As they watch the film, they realize that the rumors were true - it is a horrifyingly realistic depiction of a masked killer named Babyface, who brutally murders his victims. But their excitement turns to terror when they discover that the killer from the movie is real, and has come to life to continue his reign of terror. As Tyler and his friends try to survive, they realize that they are trapped in a twisted game orchestrated by Concannon and his deranged creation.

The Hills Run Red is a violent and gory movie, featuring plenty of blood, gore and jump scares. It pays homage to classic horror films of the 1970s and 1980s while also bringing something new to the genre. The film features a strong cast, including Sophie Monk, Tad Hilgenbrink, and William Sadler, and has become a cult classic among horror fans.

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