The Haunting of Sharon Tate is a horror movie that is based on the real-life tragedy of the murder of Hollywood actress Sharon Tate. The story follows Tate, who is played by Hilary Duff, as she waits anxiously for the return of her husband, director Roman Polanski, from Europe. As she waits, Tate begins to experience chilling premonitions of her own death.

Despite the warnings of her friends and advisors, Tate decides to stay at her home on August 8, 1969, when members of the Manson Family break in and brutally murder her along with four other people who were in her home at the time.

The movie explores Tate's premonitions and how she tried to make sense of them in the days leading up to her death. It also touches on the events that ultimately led to her tragic fate, including the rise of Charles Manson and his cult followers, who were responsible for the killings.

The Haunting of Sharon Tate is a haunting and chilling portrayal of one of the most infamous events in Hollywood history. It offers a unique perspective on Tate's final moments and the psychological toll that her premonitions took on her.

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