The Happiness of the Katakuris is a Japanese dark comedy musical directed by Takashi Miike. The film tells the story of the Katakuri family, who have recently opened their guest house in a remote mountain region of Japan. Despite their best efforts, their first guest commits suicide, which could ruin their business before it even has a chance to take off.

In an effort to avoid negative publicity, the family decides to bury the guest in the backyard, but as they prepare for the burial, they discover a landslide that makes the grave even more precarious. The situation takes a turn for the worse when their second guest, a famous sumo wrestler, dies while having sex with his underage girlfriend in one of the rooms.

As the family tries to cover up the accidental death of their guest, a series of unexpected events occurs, including a volcanic eruption, a love-struck teenage boy, and a group of zombies that rise from the grave. The Katakuri family must use their wit and humor to navigate through these challenges, while also keeping their business afloat and avoiding being caught by the authorities.

Throughout the film, there are several musical sequences that add a surreal and fantastical element to the story. The songs are mostly sung by the family members in a traditional Japanese style, with lyrics that reflect their hope for a brighter future. The film's dark humor, bizarre plot twists, and unique musical sequences make it a one-of-a-kind viewing experience.

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