The Grifters is a 1990 film directed by Stephen Frears, based on the novel of the same name by Jim Thompson. The movie follows Roy Dillon (played by John Cusack), a young con man who is caught between his loyalty to his girlfriend Myra (played by Anjelica Huston) and his estranged mother Lilly (played by Annette Bening), both of whom are grifters themselves.

Roy is injured early in the film when he is beaten by a hoodlum, but he continues to work as a grifter, scamming people out of their money along with Myra. However, he quickly becomes entangled in deeper schemes when he agrees to help his mother with a large con job involving a wealthy businessman.

As Roy gets more deeply involved in the criminal world, he begins to question his loyalties and struggle with the dangerous and unpredictable nature of his work. Meanwhile, he must also navigate his relationships with both Myra and Lilly, who have their own agendas and motives for their criminal behavior.

The Grifters is a tense and atmospheric crime thriller, featuring strong performances from its cast and a tightly constructed plot full of twists and turns. It was a critical success and earned several award nominations, including four Oscars.

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