The Green Slime is a 1968 science fiction film produced by MGM and written by William Finger, Tom Rowe and Charles Sinclair. The movie is set in the future and begins on a space station called Gamma 3, which is orbiting Earth. The station is home to a group of astronauts led by Commander Jack Rankin (Robert Horton), who are tasked with detonating a bomb on an asteroid heading towards Earth.

After successfully destroying the asteroid and returning to Gamma 3, the crew notices that they have brought back a strange green substance on their clothing and equipment. This substance begins to multiply rapidly and soon transforms into one-eyed tentacled creatures that can generate electric shocks.

The monsters begin to attack the crew, zapping them with their electric rays. The crew must find a way to destroy the creatures before they take over the station and spread to Earth. Meanwhile, Jack Rankin falls in love with a female scientist named Lisa Benson (Luciana Paluzzi), who becomes trapped on the station with the rest of the crew.

As the crew attempts to fight off the creatures, they realize that the green slime is resistant to common weaponry and can only be destroyed by a freezing cold temperature. They decide to flood the station with CO2 gas and then open the airlocks to the vacuum of space, which successfully destroys all of the creatures.

The Green Slime is a classic science fiction B-movie, and is notable for its psychedelic soundtrack by composer Charles Fox and its campy special effects, which were created by Japanese studio The Toei Company. Despite its low budget and critical reception, the film has gained a cult following over the years and continues to be enjoyed by fans of retro sci-fi.

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