Where to watch The Great Santini Movie

Battle for Approval: A Marine's Son's Struggle

Drama  United States of America 

The Great Santini is a 1979 film adaptation of Pat Conroy's novel, directed by Lewis John Carlino and starring Robert Duvall as Lieutenant Colonel Wilbur "Bull" Meechum, a headstrong and domineering authority figure who is a fighter pilot in the Marine Corps. Meanwhile, his son Ben (played by Michael O'Keefe), who is about to turn 18, is wrestling with his identity and trying to find his place in the world, all while trying to please his father.

Bull is a flawed character, who has an aggressive and volatile personality that creates an environment of fear for his family. He struggles with alcoholism, a failing marriage, and is plagued by the loss of his former comrades in the Vietnam War. The film explores the tension between the Marine Corps and family life, through the relationship between Bull and Ben. Bull views life as a competitive struggle, constantly pushing his son to be the best at everything, and the two clash over their differing views on what it means to be a man.

Throughout the film, Ben not only seeks his father's approval but also desires to understand him as a human being. There are moments when Bull shows his love for his family, displays tenderness towards his wife and younger children, and even opens up to Ben about his wartime experiences. However, these moments are short-lived, and Bull's dominance and authority always reassert themselves, resulting in a strained and complicated father-son relationship.

The Great Santini is a poignant and realistic drama that explores the dynamics of a family struggling to deal with a father's authoritarian tendencies and is an excellent depiction of the military life. It successfully captures the tension and drama that comes with the family dynamic of a Marine Corps culture, and the performances of the cast (especially Duvall's) are superb.


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