The Girl Who Leapt Through Time follows the story of Makoto Konno, a high school student who discovers she has the power to time travel. At first, she uses her newfound ability to fix minor mistakes in her life, like being late for school or spoiling lunch. However, she soon realizes the potential for much greater things.

As she begins to experiment with her powers, Makoto decides to change bigger things, like preventing her best friend Chiaki from getting injured in a motorcycle accident or helping her classmate Kousuke confess his love to her friend Yuri. However, as she meddles with the past, she starts to uncover the unintended consequences of her actions.

Slowly, the lines between past, present, and future begin to blur, and Makoto must confront the reality that every action she takes has a ripple effect that touches the lives of those closest to her. As she learns more about the true nature of time travel, she discovers the importance of living in the present and cherishing every moment she has with the people she loves.

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