Michelle, the protagonist of the movie, is a highly skilled assassin who works for a wealthy businessman named Josephine. Josephine seeks Michelle's help in eliminating DNA hackers who are using their skills to kill people and cause chaos in the city. Michelle accepts the job, partly because she wants to do her part in stopping these dangerous criminals, but also because she needs the money to take care of her brother Jackie, who is struggling to make ends meet.

As Michelle carries out her mission, she discovers that her whole family has been targeted by the DNA hackers. They have a particular interest in her brother Jackie, who has unknowingly become involved with them. She is determined to protect her brother at all costs, and she enlists the help of a rogue DNA hacker named Christian to do so.

Meanwhile, Michelle's own body begins to change, and she finds herself caught up in the very world that she has been fighting against. She discovers a dark secret about the DNA hackers that threatens not only her own life but also the lives of everyone around her.

The Gene Generation is a sci-fi action-thriller that explores the ethical and societal implications of genetic engineering. It features a strong female lead, intense action sequences, and a thought-provoking plot that will keep viewers on the edge of their seats.

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