The Garden of Sinners - Chapter 7: A Study in Murder (Part 2) is a Japanese animated movie that was released in February 1999. The film's story revolves around a series of mysterious disappearances of two ceremonies that occur in the city. The protagonist of the story, Mikiya Kuroiri, finds himself embroiled in a continuous hunting murder case that seems to be related to the disappearances.

Three years ago, Mikiya called himself a murderer and has since been struggling to clear his name. He has vowed to continue to believe in his innocence and starts investigating the current murder case to prove his innocence. Along the way, Mikiya reconnects with an old high school senior, Sakuji Shirazumi, who is also involved in a drug case. Together, they work to uncover the truth behind the murders and the disappearances.

The movie is a dark and suspenseful mystery that keeps viewers guessing until the end. The film's animation is beautifully done, and the story is well-written and engaging. It is the second part of a two-part series and is a must-watch for fans of the genre.

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