The Fool

Drama  Russia 

The Fool is a 2014 Russian drama film directed by Yuri Bykov. The film follows Dima, a young and naïve plumber who discovers that the entire municipal government in his small town is corrupt and have covered up the dangerous state of a local housing block. The building is on the verge of collapse, and the authorities have no intention of doing anything about it. Dima realizes that the lives of 800 residents are at risk, and he has to find a way to save them.

Dima is an honest and hardworking man who takes pride in his job as a plumber. He is called to fix a leak in the local housing block late one night, and he discovers the building's terrible state. The foundations are crumbling, and the structure is at risk of collapsing. Dima realizes the danger and tries to warn the local government officials, but they are all corrupt and refuse to listen.

Dima realizes he is the only one who can help the people of the housing block. He spends the night trying to find a way to save them. Dima's wife and a few of his friends join him, determined to do whatever it takes to save the 800 inhabitants of the building. They try to contact higher authorities, but they all refuse to help.

As the night progresses, tensions build between Dima and the corrupt officials, and it seems like the building will inevitably collapse. The film raises important questions about the government's responsibility towards the public, corruption, and small-town politics.

The Fool received critical acclaim for its honest depiction of the Russian government's corruption and bureaucracy. The film is dark and bleak, with a powerful message about the importance of honesty and truth. The Fool is a reminder that ethical decisions, no matter how small, can make a difference in people's lives.

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